Used FM FM Transmitters

 Used FM FM Transmitters

Used FM FM Transmitters

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Dangers of Radio Waves

The Dangers of Radio Waves

Since the advent of cellphones in the 1990s, communication has become a lot easier and portable. In fact it has become impossible to imagine a world without them. Business transactions have increased exponentially in decision-making now takes place in a much quicker pace. In Africa, cellular technology has become the primary means of communication as telephone companies no longer have to spend billions of Dollars building up telecommunication infrastructure.

The Dangers of Radio Waves

The Dangers of Radio Waves

The Dangers of Radio Waves

The Dangers of Radio Waves

The Dangers of Radio Waves

Radio frequencies and magnetic fields have been controversial topics since the 1960s and 70s, and with the introduction of cellular phones, the controversy has exacerbated. As in every debate, there are two schools of thought surrounding the impact of radio waves and the danger they pose. On the one side,there are those who believe that radio frequencies have little effect on consumers and the environMent at large. On the other side, there are those who believe that we are in serious danger from radio waves and the telecommunication companies that dupe us into believing that we are safe.

Radio frequencies or radio waves, as they are more commonly known, are emitted by wireless and other electronic devices. They are not a new occurrence in the modern world. In fact, apart from natural occurrences, radio waves have been around since radio and television. Basically anything that has an antenna or a transmitter emits radio waves. The rate at which the body absorbs radio waves is measured as the Specific AbsorptionRate (SAR).

Controversy surrounding cell phone radiation is focused on whether radio frequencies emitted from cellphones are safe for humans and the environMent, or whether we are all put at risk by the continuing omission of these waves as well as electromagnetic fields. When radio frequencies are high enough, they can break down the tissue in the human body and can interfere with the DNA. However, it is claimed that emissions from cellphones are so small that they pose no danger. This has been the mantra of the FCC for many years. There has been much confusion and concern recently as the same organization now claims that further research is needed to determine the effects of radio frequencies, as well as whether they are dangerous tohumans.

Complaints have surfaced in the United States and other countries like South Africa where base stations are located in urban areas and even built in gardens where agreeMent is reached between cellphone networks and home owners. People living in close proximity to base stations have complained of headaches and other health problems. Home owner associations and health researchers have claimed that living too close to base stations or heavy use of cellphones may instigate brain tumors and cancers.

The Dangers of Radio Waves

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

Whether you are looking for information on how to start up a FM radio station that operates on a low power FM basis, operates on a full power frequency or alternatively streams on the internet, it is essential to first establish what the options available to you are. It is also important to understand the process for obtaining a frequency, what the licensing requireMents are, and also what type of FM broadcasting equipMent and studio gear you will need to run the radio station.

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

The following is a brief outline of some of the options that may be available. Please that not all options may be available in all countries, as license conditions do vary.

When it comes to how to start up a FM radio station, one of theoptions is low power FM. This type of radio station operates at lesser power than commercial stations and so they cover a smaller area. The exact area they will cover is dependent on terrain and the exact amount of power you are permitted. Again depending on the country you live in, the low power FM service may enable you to broadcast anywhere near from 500mW to 100W, and may be license-free or alternatively it may be licensed. This level of power is sufficient to cover anywhere between a radius of a few kilometres to several kilometres.

Another option is operating at full power licensed radio station. This type of frequency will give maximum coverage and station will enable you to reach as many listeners as possible. Depending on the country you livein, there can frequently be provisions to operate on a full power frequency, but either on a commercial, non-commercial or educational basis. However, operating at full power FM radio station can be a somewhat complicated process-especially during the initial sTAGes of determining whether there are frequencies available in your area and also costing the equipment that is needed. If you want to start up at full power FM radio station, then it is essential to get expert guidance at the earliest sTAGe. This will ensure you get the information you need to make an informed decision.

If these options don't appeal or are not available in your area, you have one other method for how to start up a FM radio station. You are able to establish astation that streams on the internet. It will be available to a worldwide audience and can stream in your choice of format. Common formats include Winamp and Windows Media Player, although generally we recommend the latter as most people won't need to download any additional software to listen to your station. This type of radio station can use a great deal of bandwidth, so it is important to have a Fast speed internet connection with a high data cap limit.

When it comes to choosing the type of station you will set up, one of the most common constraints is budget. That said, it has been proven that a station can start out on a low power FM basis and successfully make the transition to operating at full power licensed commercial FM radio station. Someof the points to consider when looking to start up a FM radio station includes:

-The process for obtaining an FM frequency and what to look out for

-How many Watts you will need to achieve the broadcast coverage you want

-What your obligations will be when it comes to music royalties

Specialist services-What you need before to assist you in submitting your application for a frequency

-What is the most appropriate powered transmitter and what type of antenna would be needed

-The type of radio automation software that will be used

For further information on how to start up a FMradio station please visit or email @ radio

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station